2019 Personal Highlights

Personal Highlights 2019

How it started:

I think I attended my first photography expo back in 2004-05 when I was about 18-19 years old. I was super excited. Tons of top photographers and industry professionals met down in San Diego at the Del Mar Fair grounds. I remember signing up for a few presentations. The one I was really looking forward to was by a National Geographic world renowned photographer. I don’t actually remember what the title of his presentation was (it was over 10 years ago so give me a break lol). While he spoke he had a slide show to go along with his speech. I quickly became disappointed and honesty a bit board. I was expecting to see a powerpoint filled with his award winning photos. But instead it was just a slide show of his personal family photos. Not one of them was prize worthy. Most were not taken with a professional camera and several were really blurry. Frankly, I was embarrassed for the guy. I couldn’t understand why he would show these photos to anyone. I couldn’t wait for him to finish talking so I could get out of the room and find another photographer that was actually going to teach me something important for my photography career. Finally, we made it to his closing remarks. He told us the last photo he was going to show us was the top photo of his entire career. Oh my gosh, I was finally going to see an amazing landscape or wildlife photo! But, nope, just a normal family photo in his front yard. Seriously!? I just didn’t get it. How is that the best photo you ever took???

The explanation he gave for the photo shifted my perspective that day.


You can make a great name for yourself in this world. Have an outstanding career and win countless awards. Visit every famous landmark and get to go to all the places most people will only ever dream of going. But all of that will matter very little if in the process of obtaining fame you neglect your faith, family, and friends. Your skills do not out weigh how you actually live your life. The most important work you can do is to be with the ones you love and make lasting memories with them. And at the end of the day you will never regret that decision.

So here is my 2019 personal highlights. Most are taken with an iPhone. And yes a lot of them are blurry. But as I looked through the hundreds of photos from this year to pick out these few, I am filled with so much joy. Even if I never take another photo professionally I have a deep satisfaction with how I have spent my time this year. Special moments remembered (blurry photos and all) I can proudly say are my most treasured pictures. There is nothing better then spending quality time with those you love.

Photo Highlights:

I added a little blurb above each photo so you can make sense of where and what we are doing. 😉


My husband started with a new company this year. In 12 years this was the first time I got to see a fire station demonstration.

2019 Personal Highlights

Auntie, uncle and cousin time at the park!

2019 Personal Highlights

Homeschool science projects are their favorite.

2019 Personal Highlights

Little fish’s in papa’s jacuzzi.

2019 Personal Highlights

Family walks around our community lake.

2019 Personal Highlights

Palm Springs Anniversary trip. 10 years!

2019 Personal Highlights

Kids with grammy and pops and cousins while we are away.

2019 Personal Highlights 2019 Personal Highlights

Our Easter Sunday best (hubby was to hot for church clothes in the pics lol).

2019 Personal Highlights

Universal Studios, Ca.

2019 Personal Highlights 2019 Personal Highlights

VBS volunteers.

2019 Personal Highlights

Leveling up for gymnastics.

2019 Personal Highlights

East coast family (my husbands cousins) visiting over summer.

2019 Personal Highlights

The time we found a hidden river in Fallbrook, Ca.

2019 Personal Highlights 2019 Personal Highlights 2019 Personal Highlights

First day of school. Year 3 of homeschooling.

2019 Personal Highlights

Sisters. Ages 7 & 4.

2019 Personal Highlights

How could I not include this one!

2019 Personal Highlights

Our annual trip to Big Bear with my husbands family. Here’s a link to the amazing cabin we stay at.

2019 Personal Highlights

Selfie, since I rarely get in any pictures.

2019 Personal Highlights

Santas village Lake Arrowhead, Ca.

2019 Personal Highlights

Big Bear Village Main St.

2019 Personal Highlights

Our trip to Mammoth, Ca with my dad and brother.

2019 Personal Highlights 2019 Personal Highlights

June Lake. You can still see snow on the mountains! The water was freezing but the girls didn’t care.

2019 Personal Highlights

Rainbow Falls

2019 Personal Highlights 2019 Personal Highlights

Bodie Ghost Town

2019 Personal Highlights

One of our best photos together from this trip and this is what my kids do…lol

2019 Personal Highlights


Click here to see my professional highlights for 2019.